Michael David Battle, a black female-to-male (FTM) trans maan, who has been documenting his transition online is currently compiling an anthology of stories with the working title, “Here, Our Voices: The Black Trans-Identified Experience.” We are looking for original, well-written personal essays, memoirs, or stories that are based on autobiographical experiences. The narrative must be…
This insightful piece about navigating “blackness” in Boston’s queer community is a must-read from D’hana (the co-producer of the infamous NU-LIFE dance night at ZuZu Tuesdays). Intentional communities are important, but D’hana reminds us that we still have a long way to go before racially integrated communities happen naturally.…
Indeed, to say that QWOC Week is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before would be a hell of an understatement. It’s worlds away from that singular day in Vegas where, though perhaps welcome, I still felt alien and alone. This past week, I felt expected, accepted, and embraced, which is what I think QWOC Week is all about. I was taken out of my comfort zone so many times and put into a place that was even more comfortable and if it hadn’t been encouraged, I would never have known. …