Walking the Tight Rope: An African LGBT Anthology seeks poets, writers and photographers within Africa and the Diaspora to share their stories. DEADLINE: April 15, 2014
Studology 101’s recent videos about “Bisexual Studs” sparks important dialogue and controversy. Why is it so hard for people to accept bisexuality from masculine women of color? …
TheFabFemme.com has just announced the official debut of Girl Play, a new web series which follows a group of… waaait for it… feminine women of color (finally!)…
OraQuick commercial advertises an at-home HIV testing kit! But, is it just me or did you also feel like you were transported to 1991 and forced to watch a weird version of Michael Jackson’s Black or White video? Also, what is up with the floating busts telling me that HiV isn’t a “black thing?” …
The Good Kind is a film written and directed by Ofelia Yanez, a self-identified queer Latina. Read this short interview about representation of Latinas in mainstream media, QPOC media, and whether or not she’s down with J. Lo depicting a gay character on screen. …
“There are so many myths about our queer lives that still exist in our Latin@ community; from queerness being a choice or a psychological disorder to us not wanting children and being possessed by demons. And we don’t talk about these issues because the cultural expectation (especially of our elders) is to not go against the grain.” Sarahi Yajaira
One Latina shares her struggle with expressing both her culture and her sexuality. …