Animated sci-fi film “Strange Frame” follows the story of two queer brown women in the 28th Century as they make love and music. Pre-order the DVD before its release on March 19th. …
Our Intern Breanne gushes about her love for Shonda Rhimes, queer women of color characters, interracial adoptions, multiracial hotties and what it really means to be an LGBT ally in the media industry.…
Our intern, Breanne, recently discovered Twitter’s newly acquired “Vine” app (described as the Instagram of video!). It’s a great way to make Queer Women of Color sharable media, so make a QWOC love scene for Valentine’s Day. (Hey, not that kind!)…
Sistah Sinema Makes Black Women’s History, Launches “The Netflix of Queer Women of Color Film”. Also, QWOC Media Wire and Sistah Sinema enter exclusive partnership to foster more dialogue around films and other visual media produced by queer women of color.…
We’re seeing more transgender women in the media these days, which is great… and nerve-wrecking, especially when the media frequently gets it wrong. But, when a show like The Double Divas, which follows two lingerie shop owners’ quests to fit women with the right bras, gets it right, now that’s great television. …