Expected, Accepted, and Embraced: Thoughts on My First QWOC Week

Indeed, to say that QWOC Week is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before would be a hell of an understatement. It’s worlds away from that singular day in Vegas where, though perhaps welcome, I still felt alien and alone. This past week, I felt expected, accepted, and embraced, which is what I think QWOC Week is all about. I was taken out of my comfort zone so many times and put into a place that was even more comfortable and if it hadn’t been encouraged, I would never have known. …

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QWOC WEEK: Call for LGBTQ Visual Artists of Color – Deadline Extended Till July 10th

OUTside the Box: a Queer People of Color Visual Artist Showcase/Exhibition/Sale Space In preparation for the second annual QWOC WEEK, presented by Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston), the organizers of Boston’s multicultural LGBTQ festival (August 3rd-9th 2009) are accepting applications from artists interested in participating in “OUTside the Box: a Queer People…

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