Author archives: Isis Asare

Masculinity, Gender Roles, and Queer Art History: The Cultural Significance of Campbell X’s Stud Life

Stud Life is sexy, charismatic, foreign yet familiar. The sensual combination of a hypnotic soundtrack, mesmerizing cast, and a rich storyline pulls you into a world where the accents are different but the conversations are ours – queer women of color trying to define our relationships and our future.…

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“Everyone is At Risk” Says Bumming Cigarettes, A Film about HIV Stigma in Black Lesbian Communities

In April and May, Sistah Sinema will screen Bumming Cigarettes – a narrative depicting its protagonist getting an HIV test. The film, produced by Black Womyn Conversations director/producer, Tiona McClodden, shows that we are all at risk for sexually transmitted infections regardless of our race, sexuality, or gender identity.…

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